Sunday, October 3, 2021

ARC Review: Harvest Web (Moonshadow Bay #4)

Harvest Web (Moonshadow Bay #4)

by Yasmine Galenorn


Summer has been kind to January--work has involved a lot of quiet research, she's helped Ari revamp her wedding plans, and settled into a comfortable routine with Killian. That all comes to a screeching halt when autumn crashes in like a bull in a china shop.January finds herself plagued with an obnoxious house-ghost when she literally discovers a skeleton in her closet. She must discover who the dead man was, and why his skeleton is in her house before she can exorcise the spirit--not an easy task in itself. But then, at work, a much more serious issue arises when Conjure Ink's new client is killed by the Whatcom County Devil--an urban legend come to life. Now, they must find the creature and destroy it before it strikes again.

Themes:  Paranormal, Witches, Shifters

Rating: 3.75 stars

Heat Rating: 


I have to admit I was a late arrival to this series, mainly because I resisted adding another of Ms. Galenorn’s great works to my TBR pile when I was so far behind on other series (including some of her work).  That said, once I was given the chance to play catchup, I found myself really enjoying this series for its playfulness interwoven with the mystery, magic and drama of January’s everyday life.  For those that have not been following along with the series, Harvest Web is a great place to jump in as Yasmine returns to her common angle of giving backstory a lot more than in book 2 and 3 of the series did.  January has finally found a way to settle into her new life in Moonshadow Bay, with her family, friends, and sexy wolf-shifter boyfriend by her side.  Her job is fulfilling, her magic is blossoming, and her summer has been relatively calm.  But the fall is kicking off with a dramatic start when she finds a dead man in her house after having some remodeling done and an all new range of family secrets and past drama is unveiled.  I enjoyed this book a lot, though I can’t say it was my favorite of the series to date, but there was definitely a lot of January getting to know her parents as people instead of just “parents” through her family and community.  Watching her find her footing personally, professionally, and magically has been a wild ride and I’ve enjoyed coming along on January’s journey, though I would love to see her and Killian getting to spend more time on them. I am looking forward to seeing where the story goes next and what adventures she and her team find themselves wrapped up in. I also cannot wait to see more of her budding relationship with her grandmother and watch her delve even deeper into her magic.  I can only imagine the anniversary of her arrival and the long dark winter months are going to be very interesting for her.  Another intriguing tale of female empowerment, sisterhood, and magic from Yasmine.

*eARC provided by author for the purpose of an honest and unbiased review.  No compensation was provided.

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