Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Mini Review: The Unyielding (Call of Crows #3)

Stieg Engstrom, Angriest Viking Ever, has got big problems. The human Viking Clans of earth are in danger of being obliterated—along with the rest of the world—and the only one who may be able to save them is a super pain-in-the-ass Crow. Most people annoy Stieg, but this is the one woman he really can’t stand…
Erin Amsel loves being a Crow! Why wouldn’t she when the other Viking Clans are so hilariously arrogant and humorless? She’s not about to let all that come to an end! She just didn’t expect to be shoulder to shoulder in battle with Stieg. Then again, he’s so easy to torment—and also kind of cute.
With the future of the world riding on them, Stieg knows he’ll have to put aside his desperate need to kiss the smirk right off Erin’s face. Wait. What? He didn’t mean that—did he? No! They have one goal: To conquer the idiots. Because nothing bugs Stieg more than when idiots win. If only he can keep himself from suddenly acting like one…
Themes: Paranormal, Norse Mythology
Rating: 3.5 stars
Heat Rating: 
So, Laurenston fans have another amazingly crazy group of people to fall in love with in this newest series by Shelly, revolving around the Norse Gods and the modern warriors that are serving them.  While most stories of Vikings and Norse gods are set in the past, Shelly’s refreshing take on these warriors existing in secret in the modern world gives everything a bright shiny newness that makes the series even better.  Those of us that have read any Laurenston novel understand the craziness of her characters and love them just the way they are… whacked out and homicidal though they might be.  For readers of contemporary or even more mainstream paranormal works, Shelly’s writing style and characters might come as a bit of a shock, but the sass, sarcasm, and homicidal tendencies hide the true sweetness and strength of her heroes and heroines.  Erin is about as crazy as they come, bringing to mind that nutso friend in high school that was always the one asking “I wonder what will happen if we do this…” right before they get the whole group into trouble.  But let’s be honest without those fun troublemakers in our lives most of us would become staid and boring as hell.  So I can say that I LOVED Erin and her story of heroism and falling in love with Stieg was wonderfully zany and lighthearted enough to make my evenings after a long day of work enjoyable.  Stieg has his own speed and style for sure, but he handles Erin beautifully, when she’s not driving him to violence.  While their love might not be as obvious or soft as a lot of people like, sometimes that bizarre passion and wild enjoyment of life is enough to bring two people together that we might not think belong.  The story behind the romance led to some interesting battles and sneaking in lots more fun references to Norse mythology as the warriors of the Nine Clans worked together to defeat their enemy and prevent Ragnarök from being set in motion.  I LOVE everything Shelly writes, but being pagan myself and having lots of firsthand knowledge of these myths makes the stories even more fun.  I mean honestly who wouldn’t fall in love with a woman that could write about the Allfather in such an irreverent way?!?  Cannot wait to see what comes next after that ending, too, because no way does she leave us hanging on that craziness.  Keep the outrageous awesomeness coming, Shelly, and I will continue adding recruits to your fan clubs.

*ebook provided by publisher (via netgalley) for the purpose of an honest and unbiased review.  No compensation was provided.

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