Thursday, September 26, 2024

ARC Review: Power's Fall (Trinity Masters #13)

Power's Fall (Trinity Masters #13)

Mari CarrLila Dubois


Married, but forbidden to touch.

Dahlia McKean is living life to the fullest, while she still can. When she’s asked to use her expertise and connections to take on a dangerous mission and investigate a decades-old crime, she agrees. And this new adventure comes with not one, but two, very sexy her partners are the hottest men she’s ever seen. There’s no harm in having some fun while they work…until everything changes and she ends up married.

To both of them.

Vadisk Kushnir didn’t plan on getting married, but he long ago gave up the right to make that choice. Still, he didn’t expect to be sent to investigate a blackmailer in the company of his brand-new spouses. His attraction to Dahlia and Montana is instant, but until they complete their mission, they have to stick to their cover story. Which means Vadisk can’t touch his husband and wife…but he can watch.

Montana Kingston wants justice for his family, and if he has to get married to do it, he will. Getting to touch and pleasure his hot wife while their husband looks on is unlocking some fun new desires. Thrown into danger, he’ll do his best to protect both his new spouses, but their mission is more than just dangerous, it’s deadly.

Themes:  Menage

Rating: 4.5  stars

Heat Rating: 

An all-new world has begun for both the Trinity Masters and the Masters’ Admiralty and I for one can tell you that I am there for it! I have been looking forward to this new plotline for a long time, one that would truly blend these two societies and bring everyone together for not just a common goal or a single trinity, but into a single integrated world, even though everyone will resist it.  This story begins with some of our favorite past trinities and the leaders of both societies coming together in what can only be called a summit of epic proportions and one that leads to dangerous changes.  From this meeting a new trinity is created to look into a decades long plot that is being resurrected to blackmail members of their societies and that needs to be nipped in the bud before it can bloom again.  I loved not only the deep and twisty plotline of this story, but the sensual and emotional connections of these lovers as they learned to overcome their differences and find common ground as they came to terms with their new relationship. This story introduces the new villain, out to destroy the society(s) and we learn that the danger is only beginning for these beloved characters.  Of course the continuing saga of two of our favorite leaders gets even more deadly and we are left with a terrifying cliffhanger there is a few ways, but of course the next book with (hopefully) finally bring that all to a head and an explosive ending.  I can honestly say that I took a little bit to connect to this story, but once I recognized Montana and to an extent Vadisk I was immediately invested and couldn’t put the story down until these lovers got their HEA and admitted their forever love for one another.  Another master work of two evil mistresses of menage for sure.

Vadisk Kushnir is appalled when he learns that he has been married off to two members of the American Trinity Masters society, forced to separate from his admiral and leave her vulnerable so that he can protect two civilians in a deadly mission then most likely be forced from all her knows to make a life with them.  Montana Kingston wants to find the people that extorted his family for decades and if he has to marry a beautiful adventurer and a grumpy asshole to get the job done, well sometimes needs must. Dahlia McKean is determined to live every adventure she can, no matter the dangers, until she can no longer do so, but if she can help her society and her sexy new husband at the same time, she sees no problem with that, but her other husband’s attitude is certainly putting up roadblocks at every turn.  Now the three of them have to find a way to not only accept their new marriage, but to work together in the life-threatening situations they find themselves in or they will never have a chance to build a future together.  But the more time they spend together, the more they all come to feel for one another and the greater the risk of losing one another.  Can they truly risk one another’s lives in order to complete their mission or will they have to run for their lives and leave their new adversary with the upper hand to stay alive?

I have to tell you I seriously loved all three of these characters the more I got to know them, but my favorite was definitely Dahlia.  She is the type of woman I have always aspired to be –but never quite managed to get there—because while she might not be fearless, she certainly doesn’t allow her fears, not of the present or the future, stop her from doing what she loves or protecting her people. She is beautiful, sassy, smart, sweet, and has the type of personality that people gravitate toward, but she doesn’t use it against them, instead using it to share with the world the great beauty out there that most of us with never have the chance or the courage to experience for ourselves.  She is also determined to be treated equally in her relationships and makes it known that even though she is becoming disabled she is still able to function as a member of her trinity and hold her own in protecting her family.  She will be a fierce and loving mama bear when they grow their family and I hope to see more of her in later books for sure. Montana was also a character I enjoyed getting to know more about; instead of making him simple the basic alpha, hero that is set to save the day, he was flawed, with layer of darkness that his lovers had to peel back and help heal in order to show him that he wasn’t a bad guy but was instead one of the good guys despite having made a few bad mistakes in life.  He was also uber-intelligent and let’s be honest, on top of all those muscles, a brain on a man is just sexy as hell.  With his sweetness and ability to connect with both Dahlia and Vadisk, he was the perfect third to bridge the gap that would obviously have existed in any relationship between just the two of them.  Vadisk was a little bit harder to like, mainly because he tried so hard to remain a closed-off mo-fo through most of the story.  I understand his fears, and his unwillingness to change, but sheesh, dude sometimes change can be a good thing.  While I loved his ability to care for and protect Dahlia and Montana, he often forgot that they were meant to be a team, working together to bring down the bad guys and accomplish their mission.  Once he fully accepted his lovers and learned that he didn’t always have to be apart from them, I totally loved his character and the way he showed his love and caring for them.

Power’s Fall is one of those books that doesn’t come along every day. There is definitely a lot going on, with so many chess pieces moving all at once, that you have to wonder is this is more multiple chess games overlapping, but in the end we are left with a lot of questions that will lead into the coming stories and keep things interesting for many stories to come.  I loved the single plotline thread that was pulled by the trinity that ultimately brought them together, despite it not really having a definite conclusion, but even more I enjoyed the love that developed between the featured trinity. Montana, Dahlia, and Vadisk were such different people and their strengths and weaknesses complimented one another so beautifully that looking back you have to think, “well duh, there was no one else they could have married”. Dahlia and her adventurous spirit, sweet nature and loving ability to bring her men out of their shells were a gift to get to enjoy and seeing her find her footing in their marriage and watching her kick butt when she worked to protect her men showed that nothing could keep her down.  Montana definitely has his layers of darkness, but overall he is like a sweet puppy that you can’t help but to love and I enjoyed seeing him finally find healing for his past in the arms of his lovers as they showed him that everyone makes mistakes, but its how you handle the fallout that makes you a good person.  Vadisk is the definition of an alpha protector, but when he finally opens his heart to his spouses and shows them his trust and gives them a chance to support him we see a true trinity emerge.  The passion between these three is there every moment, even when they are forced to resist the pull for their own safety and the sake of the mission, but when they finally do let loose, lookout folks, phew. I am dying for what comes next, especially for our two favorite admirals, and certainly pray that their storyline gets a happy conclusion in the next book, but whatever comes next I know it will be a masterpiece and a story that will keep be riveted to every chapter. Your evil genius prevails again, Mari and Lila.

*eARC provided by author(s) for the purpose of an honest and unbiased review.  No compensation was provided.

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