The Heretic Royal (The Scarred Earth Saga #3)
G.A. Aiken
Ainsley Farmerson
has always planned to break free of the family business—and the family drama.
But what was once farming, smithworking, and bickering over the dinner table
has turned into open warfare between sisters. Sides have been taken, lives are
on the line, and Ainsley has no doubt which sister must be queen. She’ll do
whatever is necessary to take down the soulless Beatrix. Even if that means
joining forces with angry battle nuns, irritating monks, and overbearing
Gruffyn of the
Torn Moon Clan has no time for human beings. And yet . . . there is something
about the uncontrollable princess that he can’t ignore. Maybe it’s the way her
eldest sisters underestimate her. Or her bravery facing down dragons and mad
queens from distant lands. Whatever the reason, Gruff is willing to fight by
this human’s side. Not only for the entertainment value, but because she’s
right. Beatrix must never be queen. So whatever he has to do, whoever he has to
destroy, Gruff will battle beside Ainsley. Fast. Hard. And with absolutely no
mercy . . .
Themes: Paranormal
Rating: 4.25 stars
While I can honestly say I hope the series
doesn’t end here, this story is the end for now to my understanding, so with
that in mind this third oldest sister in the Farmerson family finds her mate
and finds herself fully drawn into the war between her Queenly sisters. I have enjoyed each of the three stories in
this series for their own distinct voices and storylines, but I can say that
they really need to be read together and in order, not as standalone stories in
order to appreciate the greatness of each one.
G.A. Aiken (aka Shelly Laurenston) has a rather unique writing
style, one that some readers aren’t too keen on, but if you enjoy sarcasm,
slightly gory scenes, absurdity, and truly atrocious family relations, then
this series will be enjoyable for you.
Ainsley Farmerson has tried to stay out of the fighting between her
sister’s as much as possible, instead helping her mother corral her thousands
of siblings, but she has decided its time to pick a side and will do whatever
is necessary to help defeat the psychotic Beatrix. When she is sent on a mission to that purpose,
she never imagined that she would be paired with a group of Centaurs, led by
Gruffyn of the Torn Moon Clan, whose people are just that little bit odd and
looked at as different from other centaurs. Gruff has no interest in human
beings, but there is something about Ainsley that seems to draw his attention,
maybe her courage, maybe her absurdity, maybe its simply her dedication to the
cause, but whatever it is he is determined to keep her safe while they venture
on their mission. Soon their friendship
leads to more interesting interactions and they find themselves stuck together
like glue, but can two so different creatures, from two such different worlds
really coexist together happily forever? I loved Ainsley and seeing her
standing up to her sisters, even if they didn’t realize that was what she was
doing was freaking hilarious. She fought
beautifully, even as other underestimated her skills, stood steadfast against
all enemies, but then ran away from the most ridiculous things, but in the end
my favorite part about her was her mouth!
She truly was my favorite of the three sisters to date, and I can
honestly say that I loved her character and could have read ever more chapters
about her and Gruff without a single qualm.
Gruff was the perfect grumpy anti-hero; he didn’t really want to help
anyone, but grudgingly did the right thing again and again, proving that he was
a good guy, despite the other centaur clans looking down on his people. He and his family were just that extra bit
badass, but at the same time made me laugh again and again with their nonsense.
The passion between these two was always
unexpected, coming out of nowhere when they decided to indulge and then going
back to them both being perfectly calm and collected, making it even more
funny. I just love a good Aiken novel
and this novel was a perfect example of the twisted and dark writing that makes
her just the author to dig into when you want to laugh and gasp. I can also say I LOVED seeing the dragons and
Anwyl from the old Dragon Kyn series and could not have been more thrilled to
see them interacting and meshing. That
is going to make whatever comes next even more awesome, and there has to be
more because the book ended on a cliffhanger and it really just CAN’T end here.
*eARC provided by publisher (via
NetGalley) for the purpose of an honest and unbiased review. No compensation was provided.
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