Saturday, June 1, 2019

Review: Highland Crown (Royal Highlander #1)

Highland Crown (Royal Highlander #1)

by May McGoldrick 

Inverness, 1820
Perched on the North Sea, this port town―by turns legendary and mythological―is a place where Highland rebels and English authorities clash in a mortal struggle for survival and dominance. Among the fray is a lovely young widow who possesses rare and special gifts.
WANTED: Isabella Drummond
A true beauty and trained physician, Isabella has inspired longing and mystery―and fury―in a great many men. Hunted by both the British government and Scottish rebels, she came to the Highlands in search of survival. But a dying ship’s captain will steer her fate into even stormier waters. . .and her heart into flames.
FOUND: Cinaed Mackintosh
Cast from his home as a child, Cinaed is a fierce soul whose allegiance is only to himself. . .until Isabella saved his life―and added more risk to her own. Now, the only way Cinaed can keep her safe to seek refuge at Dalmigavie Castle, the Mackintosh family seat. But when the scandalous truth of his past comes out, any chance of Cinaed having a bright future with Isabella is thrown into complete darkness. What will these two ill-fated lovers have to sacrifice to be together…for eternity?
Themes: Historical, Scotland
Rating: 4.25 stars
Heat Rating: 
We begin an all new series, set in turbulent 19th century Scotland, with a bang as Isabella and Cinaed find love in the most unlikely of times and places during the danger and drama of a deadly escape and evade maneuver for the ages.  I am a huge fan of pretty much any story set in Scotland and I have come to really enjoy the work from this husband and wife team under the pen name of May Goldrick, but I think I will enjoy this series even more than the previous one.  Isabella is on the run from the government and the rebels as she tries to get out of Scotland after the death of her husband in a firefight in their home.  She has lived her life in a dangerously odd profession for a woman as a physician, but she refuses to hide her calling when a shipwreck washes a man up at her feet with a gunshot wound.  Cinaed wakes to find a beautiful woman caring for him, but soon realizes that he owes his life to a woman that is in serious need of a protector and he must decide is he is willing to fill that role.  Cinaed is the type of hero that could lead an army into battle with no trouble at all, his charisma and sensuality could also lead any woman into sin in the blink of an eye, but his dedication and steadfast nature are even more enchanting.  Isabella is brave and smart and a woman way before her time, but her willingness to forfeit even her own safety to protect those around her is what truly makes her a heroine in my eyes. I enjoyed very much seeing Cinaed and Isabelle working together to outsmart those that hunted them as they slowly found their footing in a relationship that built slowly even though their attraction to one another was immediate.  There is a kind of subtle and sweet heat between them from the beginning and when they give in to it, it become they are meant to be together despite the world pulling them apart again and again.  I am looking forward to whatever comes next in this series and seeing how the war affects the lives of these people. Another great series begins and I am dying to see where we go from here.
*ebook provided by publisher (via netgalley) for the purpose of an honest and unbiased review.  No compensation was provided.

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