
Random Pics of my Life

Pics of the two most important girls in my life!

Here you can find random pics of my life as I work my way through Romance novels each day.  To start us off I figured I’d post a pics of my beautiful Chihuahuas Precious and Carmie so you could see the second loves of my life.  Books of course being the first :)

"Hi Everyone, I'm Carmie, the mischievousness one.  My gramma calls me a "the Juvenile Delinquent", but Mom just says I’m a little rambunctious."
"And I'm Precious, the first born and sweetest of Momma's babies.  As you can see I am a Long-haired Chihuahua while Sis is short-haired.   Personally I think that's what makes me the best.  Gramma calls me her little Princess."

Since I first began my blog here, my sweet Carmie has given me 3 sweet new babies.  (well 4 but luckily 1 of them was able to find his own special home.) Below you will met us all. 




I found this picture online that I thought very clearly expressed how I often feel when reading and writing my reviews. 


 I thought this pic was too cute not to share.  

Anyone who's read a shifter story especially one with different types of shifters all coming together will see the humor in this as well. 

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