
Sunday, September 24, 2023

ARC Review: Marked in Flames (Aspen Pack #5)

Marked in Flames (Aspen Pack #5)

Carrie Ann Ryan


My mate rejected me, leaving me broken. I refuse to let that happen again—even if Steele is the one for me.

I hold the power of flame and future in my hands, but I know the world is watching. Waiting for us to fall.

The truth and lies that bind the Aspen Pack together are crumbling and I am to bear witness to its fate.

I know the Enforcer of the Aspens is my mate.

Yet neither of us want what fate decrees.

So, we’ll fight side by side and ignore the burning attraction between us.

Only when a traitor rocks the foundation of all we know, we might not have a choice to who we cling to in despair.

The vampires were only the pawns in this war.

The demons are on their way.

And if we’re not careful, the Aspen Pack could lose someone that breaks them.

And I could lose my mate.


Themes:  Paranormal, Shifters, Witches, Series Finale

Rating: 4.5 stars

Heat Rating: 


I have to say I was so looking forward to reading this story when we met Jade in the last novel, but when Carrie Ann Ryan shared that this was to be her last Paranormal release—at least for a long while—I have to say my heart broke. I have been a huge fan of Ms. Ryans from the beginning and while I have branched into all of her genres, my heart was first caught by her writing her pack series and it will always be first for me, so learning we wouldn’t be getting all the other HEAs and matings that we just know are waiting for us, almost made me not want to read this one.  That said when I did finally crack the book and allow myself to just enjoy Steele and Jade’s story, I was glad to see them get their HEA and find a way to overcome all their obstacles. This story is filled with revelations, epic battles, grudges, and a love that we never expected, and in the end the pack is finally safe for the time being and they can recover and grow in a time of rest. I really enjoyed every tear-inducing and thrilling moment of this story and while I am dying to know I won’t find out what happens with so many of the beloved couples and triads that we wanted to see come from these characters, I hold out hope that someday we will learn their fates and get to enjoy their love stories as well.

Jade is a fire witch, but one that has a secret and just a little something extra that makes her more deadly than her other elemental sisters and brothers.  She is willing to help the Packs in their fight against the Demon and his minions, even going so far as to help establish a new Coven, but she refuses to become Pack, in any way.  This includes joining with the man that she knows she is a possible mate to, even though neither of them is willing to admit it.  Steele has been drawn to this fiery redheaded witch from the beginning, but he refuses to take a mate, any mate, much less a witch, and definitely not when they are in the middle of the most dangerous war that they have ever faced. Though the sexual attraction is undeniable, they continue to believe they can give into their baser needs without forcing a bond. But when their hands are forced, neither Steele nor Jade are willing to allow their enemy to defeat them, even if it means doing something neither of them ever imagined doing—mating.  Now they have to come to terms with all their secrets and find a way to trust and depend on one another, or their enemy might truly defeat them and win the war one and for all.

This is a connection that we knew was going to be sizzling from the beginning because both Jade and Steele are both so stubborn and unwilling to bend on their belief that they know what is best.  Jade has been dreadfully hurt in her past, left alone more than once in her past and she truly has become a lone wolf.  While she is strong, sassy, wickedly dangerous, and uniquely powerful, she also has a scary vulnerability that she tries so hard to hide from others, knowing that weakness like that could be the end of her. She is smart and knows that losing herself to her own power and darkness will leave those counting on her with no defense against their enemy and that she is their most powerful secret weapon is she can just get close enough.  I loved seeing her finally opened herself to not only Steele but his pack and show her full self to them and finally get to experience that full acceptance that she has always believed she would never find. Steele has always feared losing his mate, seeing other Enforcers when they’ve lost their mates and never wanting to experience anything like that.  That fear forced him to keep himself back from any chance at a future, but the Goddess has her own plans and she certainly paired him with the perfect match to his stubbornness.  His strength, determination, alpha strength, dedication, protectiveness, and faithfulness make him the perfect male for Jade once he finally accepts that he can no longer resist her. Accepting her help when he is at his lowest, even as he tries to push her away for her own safety, we see a vulnerability that just makes him seem all the more human and fallible, proving that no one is impervious and we can’t ever thrive in true solitude. These two truly needed on another to survive and have a future together, one that will allow them to save and change the world for the better.

While I am said to say that Marked in Flames is the end of the Aspen pack series (as of now), I can say that the ending was satisfying and I was thrilled to have gotten to enjoy the story of these amazing shifters and the Witches that made their packs so rich and full of life. Jade and Steele being the final story to this series made perfect sense and I enjoyed watching them find their way into happiness and to defeating their enemy once and for all. Jade is the type of solitary witch that keeps her distance from others for their protection, not because she doesn’t crave the love and connection of others.  She’s always wanted to belong and be loved by another, but her differences have kept her apart and now that she knows it’s even more likely to be uncovered, she has no hope of her fated mate ever being hers.  Steele doesn’t ever plan to mate, much less with the fiery Witch that has grabbed him by the heart from the moment they met, but the more he gets to know her, especially seeing her battling again and again to protect his friends and family, the harder she is to resist.  Their passion burns bright at all times, but its only when they finally give into the chemistry that the fire threatens to burn the world and then once they admit their feelings that fire begins to mellow into a manageable warming glow.  While I can honestly say I cried through probably MOST of this story, I loved every second of it and just might have to plan a re-read over the holidays when I have more time off work to do that.  I am truly hoping that some time in the (not too far off) future Ms. Ryan decides to return to the world of the Pacific Packs and allow the rest of her beloved characters to have their matings, I loved this series and the finale is worth every moment.  Another fantastic ending Carrie Ann and I thank you for putting all your energy, heart, and soul into sharing this story with us all!

*eARC provided by author for the purpose of an honest and unbiased review.  No compensation was provided.

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