
Sunday, May 21, 2023

ARC Review: The Viscount Who Vexed Me (A Royal Match #3)

The Viscount Who Vexed Me (A Royal Match #3)

Julia London


Daring. Darling. Determined.

Next to the Season’s newest diamond , Harriet (Hattie) Woodchurch feels like a plain Jane. But that’s of no consequence, since Hattie’s plan for her future is to earn enough to live far, far away from her embarrassing family.

That is until Mateo Vincente, Duke of Santiava and newly minted Viscount Abbott, arrives in London. While the shy European’s spoken English is impeccable, his writing is less fluent. The ton is eager to meet the handsome bachelor, and so many invitations flood in that Mateo needs a correspondence secretary.

With her perfect penmanship and way with words, Hattie is recommended, and the two bond over books and the ton’s eligible ladies. But when Hattie’s friend Flora becomes smitten with the viscount, things get complicated. Flora is tongue-tied in his presence. To help, Hattie feeds her information about Mateo’s interests. Soon things turn around and Flora appears on track to become his duchess. Yet for Mateo, something’s not quite right. Conversation with Flora isn’t as scintillating as it is with Hattie…

Themes:  Historical

Rating: 4.25 stars

Heat Rating: 


I have always been a huge fan of Julia London’s historical romances, though I must say my favorites are her Scottish set ones, but her newest series set in Victorian London are hit and miss for me.  Bringing in characters and storylines from fictional countries in Europe that make my already slim grasp on geography even more slippery, leaves me a little bit grumpy sometimes, but other than that, some of the characters are much less likeable that her Scots.  However I can honestly say I enjoyed this newest installment than any of the others in her recent series, with interesting characters, a truly believable connection and a heroine that I found really likeable.  Hattie ‘s situation of a family that she loves as much as she wants to get away from them is truly one I can relate to, as well as the confidence in her abilities professionally while truly doubting her worth as a woman thanks to be torn down again and again by that family.  I was so able to understand and relate to her it was like looking in a slightly warped mirror and I found myself crying for her even more than she did, but her strength and unwillingness to give in to her fears and doubts made her a wonderful role model and just the type of heroine I love to read.  I am really looking forward to more in the series and hope to see more of some of my favorite characters in the coming fourth installment. 

Harriet “Hattie” Woodchurch is slowly dying as she is stifled by her family and circumstances, but with a broken engagement, not much in the way of professional prospects, and suspect friends, there isn’t much hope for her future. When the newest darling of the haute ton finds himself in need of a secretary, Hattie finds herself with the unique opportunity to be just the woman he needs, even though neither of them truly understand how deep that need goes. Mateo Vincente, Duke of Santiava and now Viscount Abbott, is stuck in London trying to settle is late grandfather’s estates, but his mother is determined he also find himself a wife while he is in residence.  He is not a social creature and hates the whirlwind and craziness of London, but the more time he spends with his new secretary, the more he comes to appreciate the female he never knew he needed so much.  But as his time comes to an end, even though they have both come to mean more to one another than just employee and employer, can they find a way to be together without their families and society tearing them apart or will their new feelings be forever unsatisfied? 

Hattie and Mateo were a beautiful couple to watch develop, their love so organic and sweet unlike some stories where the emotions seem so forced and contrived. I loved getting to see Hattie as she grew and learned her worth with Mateo’s help and insistence, him showing her that she was more than just her mind, but that her heart and femininity were just as important to her whole identity.  She’s spent so many years of her life hiding her light, forced into the shadows in order that her family not destroy her, but seeing her finally get her time to shine in Mateo’s arms was enchanting. Her sass, wit, intelligence, vulnerability and ultimately her willingness to stand up for those she loved, even when they’ve never done the same for her really struck a cord with me. Mateo is a man that has lived his entire life for duty, forced to always conform to the expectations of those around him for fear of recrimination and I loved seeing Hattie finally bring out the sweet and loving man that’s been hiding all those years. Its obvious that he was always intelligent, but his wit, courage, and heart were only allowed out in glimpses until he finally found the one thing worth standing up for—the love of the woman that meant everything to him.  The love and passion between these two was one that grew slowly, from a small kindle spark into a burning flame to warm them long into the future.  

I really enjoyed every single moment of reading this story, whether I was laughing, crying, or totally pissed off and count the Viscount Who Vexed Me as one of the best stories from Julia London since she shifted from her Scottish historicals. Hattie was the perfect reformation heroine, one hell-bent on forcing the men in her life to see her for more than what she’s “supposed to be” and finding a way out of her circumstances wihtout depending on someone else. Mateo is an intriguing and unique character filled with strengths and vulnerabilities that make him interesting but mysterious enough to keep you reading because you want to keep learning more.  Together they are a perfect matched pair, hell bent on making their way in the world while improving it at the same time.  It’s obvious from the moment they truly start to see one another, truly start to open up, that their friendship and love was built on a common understanding of the world and similar likes and dislikes, instead of the shallow matches common of that era.  I loved seeing so many couples and characters from previous novels coming together in order to aid in these two finding their happiness and a way to be together, and I have to tell you the ending with the little twist for Flora was PERFECT and just what she deserved.  I cannot wait for the next book and if it is anywhere as good as this one I can tell this series will end on a high note for sure.  While I still have a special place in my heart for Julia’s Scots heroes, I am warming up to her sexy Victorian “European” royals and their English Rose mates, so if you’re looking for an interesting and heartwarming read for a warm English summer night, you can’t go wrong with this one. 

*eARC provided by author for the purpose of an honest and unbiased review.  No compensation was provided.

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