
Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Review: After the Bite (Argeneau #35)

After the Bite (Argeneau #35)

Lynsay Sands


Immortal Enforcer Valerian just wants to relax. His last assignment had been more grueling than he'd care to admit, and golf has always helped him unwind. If golf course owner Natalie thinks it's a little odd for him to tee off at sunset every evening, she's keeping it to herself. The single mom is sexy as hell, and her little daughter Mia only adds to his delight. He knows Natalie is wary of a relationship of any kind...what will she think when she discovers he's an Immortal? His best course of action is to woo her the old-fashioned way.

But the course of true love never did run smooth--especially for a vampire and a mortal. And when danger stalks Natalie, Valerian realizes he's playing a game of life and death and if he loses this round, he risks losing her forever.

Themes:  Paranormal, Vampires

Rating: 4 stars

Heat Rating: 


Well after the last installment in this series it was nice to see a lighter and funnier side return to Ms. Sands’ stories as she began with a hilarious tale of an immortal golfer on holiday and the single mom owner of said golf course. The Argeneau series is a long running one with fans across the globe and while many of the stories can be deep and darkly intense in both the backstories of the lovers and the content, often you can find the lighthearted side of Lynsay’s work and just sit back and enjoy the antics of two lovers –one of which is sometimes an immortal—as they find love in the most outlandish of circumstances. Valerian is an Immortal Guardian who has finally found the time to take a holiday, one that is allowing him the time to enjoy what he loves, golfing (yeah, I laughed a bit too).  He has settled on a smaller slightly run-down golf course owned by Single mom Natalie and a band of her friends and employees, but soon danger comes to the area.  Valerian knows that it is his responsibility to protect the mortals in the area and kill the rogue, but when he discovers that Natalie is his lifemate things become even more imperative and he calls in the cavalry.  With the help of his fellow hunters, he quickly assesses the situation and they have their hands filled with the rogues and the dangers around his lifemate, but Valerian will do anything to keep her safe so they can have a future together. Natalie was an interesting character; she’s been on her own for a while now, caring for her daughter and business, corralling her employees and basically handling the million and one things she needs to but never having a moment for herself.  Her courage, strength, determination, and cleverness made her an intriguing match for Valerian, but it was her kindness that really seemed to draw him.  I enjoyed seeing her interacting with her daughter, the balance she always managed to keep in her life despite all the balls in the air showed her skill and excellence. Valerian was an odd duck, I mean really who would have pegged GOLF as the great pastime of a Rogue Hunter, but golf certainly seemed to calm and ease him.  Whether he was hunting, golfing, or helping Natalie and Mia in their day-to-day, he always gave 100% of himself to those around him, his willingness to sacrifice and care for those that needed him showing him to be a great guy.  I loved seeing him in his quiet moments with Natalie and Mia as well as when he was in action with his Hunter breather working to kill the bad guys, but honestly, he was awesome anytime he was on the page.  The passion between Natalie and Valerian was a little slower to build than previous novels because despite the draw she felt Natalie resisted the heat due to her past, but once she gave in it was no less the heat, we all expect from the lifemate connection.  I am looking forward to more from the Argeneau series and hope to see more of my favorite characters as usual. Sands never fails to entertain, whether with tears, laughter or a simple love story, your time is never wasted reading her work. 

*eARC provided by publisher (via NetGalley) for the purpose of an honest and unbiased review.  No compensation was provided.

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