
Sunday, March 12, 2023

ARC Mini-Review: Happily Ever Never (Montgomery Ink Legacy #2.5)

Happily Ever Never  (Montgomery Ink Legacy #2.5

Carrie Ann Ryan


I love falling in love.

Only I’m the worst at it.

My friends call me a serial first dater and I can’t blame them.

All I want is a happy ever after, yet all I find are happy ever nevers.

This is my last chance. After this set up with my friend’s tattoo artist, I’m done.

No more dating. No more chances.

If I don’t fall in love with Leo Johnson, I’ll give up on dating.

Even if it shatters my dreams in the process.

Themes:  Contemporary

Rating: 4 stars

Heat Rating: 


 I love when Carrie Ann Ryan gives us one of her short 1001 Nights stories, because while you know it will be a fast read, you also know it will be sexy and filled with heart.  Those that have enjoyed the first two stories in the Montgomery Ink Legacy series have gotten attached to May and Leo and have hoped that we would get to read their love stories, but getting to watch them fall in love with one another, even though they had both given up on love was AMAZING.  May Loveless has been entirely too many first dates, but hasn’t been on a second date, much less been in a relationship, despite the fact that she wants to find her forever love.  Leo has never felt the desire to settle down, but as he’s watch his friends and coworkers finds love lately he’s begun to wonder if he might be missing something.  The connection they instantly feel with one another is hypnotic but May has given up on the opposite sex and Leo doesn’t think that he should risk their friendship to pursue a relationship with her.  But the more they are around one another the more they both want, until finally they just take the plunge, risking it all in the hopes of finding the love they both want and need to enrich their lives.  May is such a sweet girl, one that has handled her heartbreak and let downs again and again, but she is braver than me to keep putting herself out there.  I loved watching her keep reaching for the man that she just knew was out there for her, never suspecting he was right in front of her all along.  Leo had a few issue to work through for sure, but seeing him with his family was such a sweet and unexpected side of the silly and gruff tattoo artist that it turned me to mush and made me root for him to steal May’s heart even more.  The heat between these two was hotter than a California wildfire and I loved the passion that they finally share when they took the risk and gave into their feelings.  I am looking forward to seeing them in future stories and watching their relationship blossom even more.  As always Carrie Ann knows how to make the perfect couple even if they didn’t realize it at first and getting to experience that eye awakening with them is my favorite part of reading a Ryan novel.  Dying for the next story though I know it will be a real tear-jerker and difficult to read, but that pain is what makes us know we are alive and makes love worth experiencing.  Molto Bella!

*eARC provided by author for the purpose of an honest and unbiased review.  No compensation was provided.

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