
Saturday, August 20, 2022

ARC Review: Dark Alpha's Command

Dark Alpha's Command (Reaper #15)

Donna Grant


There is no escaping a Reaper. I am an elite assassin, part of a brotherhood that only answers to Death. And when Death says your time is up, I’m coming for you…

I’ve been a part of so many different worlds I’m not sure who I am or where I fit in anymore. Honestly, with everything I’ve been through, being called across realms and encountering the beautiful Druid who instantly captures my attention—and my heart—shouldn’t have surprised me. But it did. Not as much as discovering how it feels to brush against her magic, however. Now, we must navigate these new waters and fight against our latest threat, hoping that our combined power and that of our allies is enough to defeat our foe. Because the Fae Others want to end the Reapers and take over the realm, and their leader is one of the most formidable enemies we’ve ever faced. The battle won’t be easy, but with this strong, resilient mortal by my side and some help from our friends, it’s a fight I’m more than willing to enter—as long as it means she’s by my side. Forever.

Themes:  Paranormal, Fae, Magick

Rating:  4.5 stars

Heat Rating: 


 The story we have all been waiting on tenterhooks for has finally arrived and to be honest I was surprised from beginning to end.  I have followed this world of Donna Grant’s since the very beginning, back when it was set in medieval Scotland and the plot was so different.  I’ve experienced the world of Warriors, Druids, Fae, Dragon Kings and Reapers and through it all I have never been truly disappointed in the love and action that Donna brings to her characters and the magic she brings to my life through her writing.  DAC is the story of a former villain finding his way out of the dark and to a love that he doesn’t truly believe he deserves but that we have been rooting for him to find for years now.  Balladyn was introduced initially as a Dark Fae villain that was set to bring down the Dragon Kings and ultimately did a lot of damage in his quest, even going so far as becoming the King of the Dark, but ultimately he found his true family and what we thought was his place in the Reapers after being betrayed (again) to his death.  Rhona is the leader of the Skye Druids, a position she truly doubts she is equipped for but she is determined to live up to mentor’s expectations now that he is gone from this world.  When she is betrayed to her death, Balladyn’s surprising and timely rescue brings them close together and there is no denying the connection or the attraction they have both been fighting. But their foes as numerous and very well hidden, so only with the help of all of their allies (and even some unexpected ones) will they be able to root out all the evil trying to eternally separate them before they ever have a chance to build a future together. I was obsessed with this story and there was no way that I was going to accept anything less that Balladyn finding his ultimate happiness with his mate (thank you Donna!).  His past has certainly been dark and twisted, but in my mind the best heroes have gone through these types of traumas and this growth in order to truly know the beauty of living in the light and finding the love of a woman that will give them their whole hearts.  I loved seeing the vulnerabilities he shared with Rhona and how he fought beside her even though he wanted to stand in front of her when enemies approached.  His strength of character might have been in question to himself as he made difficult and sometimes corrupt choices in the past, but once he accepted that everything led him exactly where he was meant to be, he was the best man and lover he could have possibly been for Rhona.  Rhona has some serious issues with self-confidence for sure, but as she works with Balladyn she comes to accept that she is stronger, smarter, and greater than she ever imagined.  The love and passion between them lead her to new heights, giving her a true reason to excel in her every endeavor not only to prove herself his equal but to protect those they both love and defeat an evil greater than any that has existed.  She was sweet, gentle, and kind to those that she cared for, but when those she loves are being threatened she steps up and becomes the warrior to match Balladyn in every way.  The fire these two inspire is irrefutable and from the first time they connect we experience it right along with them, leaving the readers just as on fire as the lovers.  I loved seeing Balladyn and Rhona embrace their destiny and find a way to their HEA and into one another’s hearts forever.  I cannot wait for more in this series and of course the coming Skye Druids series will be intriguing as well.  These multi-connecting series keep things fresh and allow us to see so many points of view and get new sides of stories, as we experience the world from so many different angles.  I just love the imagination of Donna Grant’s Dark World that continues to grow and expand and I am dying for what comes next.

*eARC  provided by author for the purpose of an honest and unbiased review.  No compensation was provided.

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