
Monday, October 20, 2014

ARC Mini-Review: A Very Levet Christmas

A Very Levet Christmas (Guardians of Eternity #11.5)



A gargoyle of Levet's charm and intelligence should not be facing a solitary Christmas. True, he may appear a little unconventional, not to mention unconventionally little even for a gargoyle. But what Levet lacks in height he makes up for in loyalty, and being banned from the festivities surrounding the Queen of Weres' new pups is quite unfair.
So when a beautiful Christmas angel begs for help in fulfilling her duties, Levet has nothing better to do than agree. Armed with a magical wand, Levet confronts Damon, a pureblood Were intent on seizing the throne. Challenging the King will put the pups at risk and drive away Damon's potential mate, Gia. Who better to convince Damon to choose love, not war, than a gargoyle expert in "l’amour"? With a little magic, and a lot of Levet, this may yet be a truly wonderful Christmastime.

Themes: Holiday, werewolves, paranormals
Rating: 3 stars
Heat Rating:  
Ok, while I am a huge fan of this series and this author I have to say I was vastly disappointed in this novella, though I will say it was more like a short story than a novella.  That being said, had I known it was just a short story, I may have gone into the story with lower expectations, because for just a short holiday read there was plenty of humor and some drama, even if there wasn’t really much “romance”.  The story takes less than an hour to read and is almost real time, with the characters only living through a few hours during the entire story. 
Levet has been barred from the den of the new Queen of the Weres who has just given birth, her husband being a bit snarly and overprotective of her in her weakened state.   Deciding that he is obviously not welcome, Levet heads home, but finds himself meeting a Christmas Angel, trapped and unable to carry out her very important mission.  When he accepts the mission, he finds himself faced with an equal snarly challenger to the kingdom and the two of them travel through Damon’s past as he is taught the true lesson of love.  The Journey changes Damon and forces him to face some difficult truths, which ultimately leads him to make a better decision.  
I enjoyed the heart of the story and would have loved it were it a little longer with a bit more meat on it.  There was of course some interesting moments between the kings of Weres and Vampires, and their exasperation as they dealt with the much loved gargoyle (by the females at least).  There were some laughs, some sweet moments, and some tears. So overall I give it a three, just because I love Levet and getting to see some familiar faces puts you in the mood for the next book.  
*eARC provided by publisher (via netgalley) for the purpose of an honest and unbiased review.  No compensation was provided. 

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