
Friday, August 29, 2014

Mini-review: Necessary Force

Necessary Force (K-9 Rescue 0.5)

by D.D. Ayres 


It was supposed to be a sexy calendar shoot to raise money for K-9 service dogs. Photographer Georgie Flynn never expected to break all her personal rules and jump into bed with one of the hunky men posing. And after their steamy night together, she certainly never expected to see him again…despite their powerful connection.
When she's targeted by a stalker and possible bomber, Georgie finds that her gorgeous one-night stand is the only one who can help.
Brad Lawson, an FBI operative, and his K-9 bomb sniffing partner are assigned to protect the pretty photographer--and this time, he’s determined to keep things professional. He just didn't count on their explosive connection rekindling. But with a deadly threat on the horizon, will he be able to keep his body’s demands in check and complete his mission?
Themes: contemporary, suspense
Rating: 3.5 stars
Heat Rating: 
Dog lovers and lovers of sexy men in uniform will find their dreams melding in this new series by DD Ayres, with each hero being a K-9 handler for different military and police agencies.  So I can say for sure my dreams came true when I read this new first book.  The story is great in its simplicity and sexy in the ways these two individuals develop their relationship through adversity and danger.  I have never read anything by this author and was thrilled to stumble across it one day when cruising Netgalley.  I am really looking forward to where this series will venture in the future.
The story revolves around the one-night stand that should never have happened between FBI agent Brad Lawson and Photojournalist Georgie Flynn.  Though there is irresistible attraction between them Brad is determined to make sure that their rapidly developing feelings or one another don’t interfere with his investigation or protecting Georgie from the danger swirling around her.  But sometimes the chemistry is just too much to resist and when the truth of the danger Georgie is really in becomes clear, only that trust and connection between them and keep them safe, and prevent a disaster for an entire city.
I really loved both of these characters and found myself wishing their story wasn’t just a novella, but I can see how they were the perfect characters to pull you into a new series.  Georgie’s an investigative photographer, known for her dramatic capturing of danger, disaster, and tragedy, but she is also willing to use her skills doing a favor for a friend.  But when that favor pulls her into the sphere of sexy and dangerous to her heart Brad Lawson, she never imagined it would turn into anything more than one night of passion and she was fine with that.  She was a character that has led such an interesting life you are left wanting to know SO much more about her, while knowing that her strength and greatness comes not from her experience but her adventurous spirit and determination.   
Brad is an enigma in a lot of ways.  An operative who broke so many rules, falling into lust and bed with a target of his investigation, but though he hasn’t stopped thinking about her since, he never imagined he’d have to deal with her again.  When they are thrown together he tries valiantly to make sure that their past relationship doesn’t interfere with his job, trying to keep her at a distance, and though this is frustrating to both Georgie and the reader, you can see how his ethics and moral restraint make him a better man, but in the end his feelings for Georgie make his job easier instead of harder, with their trust bridging the gap between personal and professional to save the day.
Overall this seems like an extremely intriguing new series, one that will have drama, laughs, and sweetness, and of course we will get to see the connection that can develop between man and dog as they work together to overcome enormous odds.  The characters are vivid, the drama well thought out, and the additions of these animals can offer lightness in the most intense situations.  Georgie is a woman to envy, one who has obviously lived her life on her terms and to the fullest, even though she hasn’t yet found Mr. Right.  Likewise Brad has had some amazing experiences, but when he meets Georgie, even under extremely adverse circumstances he is unable to deny their connection.  I liked seeing them dancing around each other as they tried and failed to maintain a distance in their interactions, but was thrilled they finally gave into their feelings and found a way to be together.  The drama and bigger plot line was kind of sad and very much unexpected right up until the “villain” is uncovered.  I think I can say in all honesty this author has captivated me in a way that I haven’t been in a while; I am dying to know what the next story in the K-9 rescue series will hold for us.
*eARC provided by publisher (via netgalley) for the purpose of an honest and unbiased review.  No compensation was provided. 

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