
Sunday, April 27, 2014

Review: A Demon in Dallas

A Demon in Dallas (Huntress Chronicles #1)

by Amy Armstrong 


Two years ago, vampire hunter Raven walked out on the love of her life in order to save his, but now that she needs Connor’s help to locate a demon in Dallas, can she keep their encounter to business only, or is she about to fall for the sexy were-shifter all over again?
When her partner Matt is kidnapped by vampires, it’s down to vampire huntress Raven to locate him. But during her rescue mission, she nearly succumbs to the wicked charms of an evil fairy and is blackmailed by a devious angel who wants her to locate a demon in Dallas. Raven’s superior in the hunters' council gives her just seventy two hours to find Matt before a team of hunters are sent in whose mission statement is kill first, ask questions later. Raven’s going to need help, but the only person she can turn to is her ex-boyfriend Connor, a werewolf who Raven hasn’t been able to get out of her heart or head.
Unwittingly thrown into a battle between good and evil and with danger lurking around every corner, Raven must race against the clock to locate the demon and rescue Matt while dealing with her feelings of guilt for walking out on Connor two years ago - even though she did so to save his life.
Themes: witches, shifters, vampires, paranormal
Rating: 3 stars
Heat Rating: 
Well this was certainly a different take on the world on magicks and myths, set in modern America with mostly modern individuals and a split between paranormal beings that puts them at odds with each other and puts them in more danger from those that hunt them all.  This was my first experience reading anything by this author and it was interesting and a good read all in all.  The plot was a little choppy with so many things happening in so short a time and not necessarily blending as seamlessly as I’d like, but it was well written and thought through, keeping things from being completely disjointed. I liked the heroine of the story and the hero was sexy and strong.  I don’t usually like stories that come in during the middle of a couple’s time together, always feeling a bit like I’m playing catch-up in their relationship, but this one gave enough back story and detail that I was happily able to connect.  I am looking forward to reading more in this series, and by this author in general.
The story follows hunter, Raven, as she embarks on a mission to save her recently kidnapped partner and best friend.  The mission requires her to enlist the help of the one man she never imagined having to contact again, the man whose heart she broke in an attempt to keep him safe.  Needing Connor’s help puts her heart directly in the path of being ripped from her chest all over again, but when the danger surrounding them begins to mount and their lives become even more complicated, only together can they beat back their enemies.   Connor hoped to never come face-to-face with Raven again, even though she still fills his heart, he cannot trust her again and believes the love he thought they had was never reciprocated.  When the truth of her leaving comes to light, the fury he feels leads Connor to make dangerous decisions, ones that could leave them both broken and battered…or give them the chance to find their HEA once and for all.
Raven was a character I could definitely relate to, a woman that will give up everything to keep her man safe, even her happiness and the life they could have together. She definitely made the tough decision with all the right intentions, but now she has to deal with the fallout of those choices. Raven is a warrior at heart though and she is willing to fight for her chance to find understanding even knowing forgiveness will be impossible for a man like Connor.  But the passion that still flares between them offers a bridge that will give them a slim chance to reconcile.  Connor believes she left him because the love they shared was never real, completely one-sided, and finding out the truth hurts even more than that belief.  Giving in to their needs reminds them both of the connection they have always shared—physical, emotional, and mystical—one that is unbreakable and eternal.  Working together to survive their enemies allows them both to decide that the love they share is worth any fight as long as they are together, which really is the whole point of romance novels to me, so it was a big plus.
While all in all I found the story a bit erratic, there were several points I liked and I will say I enjoyed the book, though it being a bit longer might have given more time to eliminate the spastic feel. Raven and Connor were interesting characters and an entertaining couple.  There were lots of familiar themes in the story and some that were just a little bit strange to me and I haven’t fully grasped the continuing plot that will hold this series together. Raven, as a hunter was a bit of a letdown, with her often being in the position of being rescued, I’d have liked to see her kick ass a bit more often, but I liked her interactions with Connor and others in the story.  Connor was a sweet but heartbroken alpha male and when his fury hits the roof it was certainly a sight to behold, but in the end his loving nature is what made him a good character.  There was plenty of heart between Connor and Raven, though here again had the book been longer I think this could have been explored more as well.   I am looking forward to where this series is going and seeing what else the author has in store, but I hope the next stories are a least a bit longer.
*eBook provided by author for the purpose of an honest and unbiased review.  No compensation was provided. 

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