
Friday, January 31, 2014

ARC Review: Motorcycle Man

Motorcycle Man (Dream Man #4)

by Kristen Ashley


Get ready to ride . . .
Tyra Masters has had enough drama to last a lifetime. Now, she's back on track and looking forward to her new, quiet life. Until she meets the man of her dreams. The tattooed, muscled biker plies her with tequila-and the best sex of her life. She knows it isn't the tequila and hot sex talking. He's the kind of man she's always wanted. Unfortunately, he's also her new boss . . .
Kane "Tack" Allen has a rule. He doesn't employ someone he's slept with. So when he learns he spent last night in bed with his new office manager, he quickly fires Tyra. Yet when Tyra stands up to him and fights for her job, Tack is intrigued. He tells her she can keep her job on one condition: no more sex. Ever. But as things heat up between them, Tack finds that he'll be the one breaking all the rules...
Themes: Bikers, Suspense
Rating: 4.75 stars
Heat Rating: 


Ok so normally this is where I would give you a whole set up for the review including a quick review of the synopsis and some more details about the story, but I think I’m going a different direction this time. Instead I’m just going to express to you the greatness of this novel! If you have read any of the stories in this series you are a bit familiar with Kane “Tack” Allen, being the president of the Chaos Motorcycle Club and a serious badass in his own right.   This novel is the story of his fall from bachelorhood and into the love of a good woman.  Tyra is certainly not the type of woman that you would imagine with a badass like Tack, but they seem to mesh in the end, no matter how strangely. 
When Tyra began her new job by attending a party at the Chaos Compound, she falls instantly into lust with Tack and into his bed, but the next morning he proves to be a real asshat. After all that, she has to face him on her first day of work as his new office manager, no matter how resistant Tack is to the idea.  When she stands up to him, demanding her right to keep her job, she immediately becomes more interesting to the very jaded and terrifying biker.  After a few days of work, Tack decides it’s time for him to put the moves on Tyra and show her that she belongs as his woman.  Through a strange series of events including kidnapping, attempted murder, psychotic ex-wives and trouble teens, Tack and Tyra find that if they can overcome their personal issues and find a way to really communicate, the love that can form between a calm and rational woman and her sexy badass biker is one that can overcome any obstacle and last forever.
Being a novel by Kristen Ashley, Motorcycle Man is full of crazy antics, intense passion, and a strange bond that forms between two very disparate individuals.  I found myself sighing a lot at Tack’s actions, confused and a bit scared just as Tyra is, until finally in a heart wrenching outpouring of his feelings Tack finally explains why he is the way he is.  That scene was one of the most heartbreaking I’ve ever read and having to understand his feelings through Tyra’s POV makes it even more complicated and sad.  I also found myself laughing a hell of a lot at Tack and Tyra’s arguments, the back and forth between them is just too hilarious especially the scenes where their fights turn into passionate loving. When it comes to the love scenes, the heat that explodes between Tyra and Tack is so intense that I found myself running out into the freezing night air just so I could cool off enough to finish reading. Tack’s passionate nature shows through all facets of his life, his MC, his family, and his love life; that passionate nature has led him to make some good decisions and some bad ones in his life, but this time he knows that Tyra is the right choice for all the roles she will fill and is determined not to let her get away, no matter how many times he has to fight her to keep her.
This entire series is full of completely sexy, scarily alpha, and dangerous men, from all walks of life.  Being a president of a Motorcycle club, Tack comes with some built in issues and a very intense lifestyle.  Tyra is one of those women that has lived a mostly sheltered life, living in her own little sphere, but when she steps out, she steps into a completely different life that involves danger, passion and changes to her personality that ultimately make her a stronger woman.  Seeing Tyra grow as she interacts with and ultimately falls in love with Tack was an eye-opening experience to say the least. Tack is one of those guys that sometimes I just wanna beat, but in the end he is a good guy, if a bit set in his ways and determined to try to force Tyra into the box he thinks she should fit into.  In the end I have to say that I loved this story more than any of the others I have read but Kristen Ashley, and though I still have an aversion to the first person POV she uses, I will be continuing to read any story that has to do with these sexy men and the Chaos MC.  In conclusion I will just repeat that last thought that I had as I finished the novel… SQUEEE!!!

*eARC provided by publisher (via netgalley) for the purpose of an honest and unbiased review.  No compensation was provided. 

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