
Sunday, December 3, 2023

ARC Mini-Review: Dragon Frost (Dragon Kings #6.5)

Dragon Frost (Dragon Kings #6.5)

Donna Grant


The holiday season is Rhi’s favorite time of year, which means Con loves it, too. Except they’re on Zora, where there are no traditions—and beginning one could be hazardous. Finding the lost dragons should’ve given everyone peace. Instead, they’re facing powerful enemies at every turn. Despite the danger, the King of Dragon Kings knows his mate longs to have their space dripping with holiday decorations and gifts piled under the tree, and he’s going to do his best to give it to her and make sure they have time to celebrate the season and their love.

And perhaps a surprise or two.

Themes:  Holiday Novella, Paranormal

Rating: 4 stars

Heat Rating: 


Our favorite couple returns for a quick and sweetly romantic holiday novella in Donna Grant’s outstanding Dragon King’s series.  For longtime fans, this is a small gift from one of our favorite authors and a chance to reconnect with our beloved Rhi and Constantine as they take a romantic holiday getaway and a much needed reset on their relationship.  We all know that sometimes the rigors of life and the stress of just living such a demanding can put stressors on a relationship and taking the time to remind ourselves of the love and devotion of our partnership is crucial to a happy relationship. This year so much has been going on for Rhi and Con, ever since they learned of their adult twins’ existence, the continuation of the dragons, and the trouble on their home world of Zora, but their love continues to shine.  This year Con wants to give his mate something she really needs, a break to celebrate the beauty of the winter season and a chance for them to just breathe and be together.  A trip away from all their worries, to just be together is just what they both need and the beauty of recommitting their love couldn’t be more perfect for Rhi.  Rhi knows that Con has never stopped loving her, but the strength of his worries has been weighing on her as well, so the chance to just enjoy her mate and relax is the most beautiful gift he could give her this year, but she has an even more beautiful gift for him, one that will give them both the greatest job they could ever experience together, one they were robbed of before and will cherish forever.  I loved every moment of this sweet, sexy, and loving holiday filled story.  Rhi and Con are always so beauftil together that is could bring you to tears.  There love is truly epic, but the moment when they are just quiet together you could forget that they are millennia old beings filled with magic and see them truly as just lovers indulging in time together to be one.  I love how Donna Grant reminds us that no matter how powerful a being is, the strongest power in the universe will always be love and nothing beats it.  Can’t wait for the next story in the series and to see more of Rhi and Con and their beautiful family.

*eARC provided by the publisher (via NetGalley) for the purpose of an honest and unbiased review.  No compensation was provided.

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