
Tuesday, January 17, 2023

ARC Review: Indecent Proposal (Indecent Series#1)

Indecent Proposal Indecent Series

Erika Wilde


It wasn’t every day that I was shot at by a sniper. But this was now my life, being hunted by someone my (dead) ex-fiancé had crossed. They thought I had something he’d taken, and they weren’t going to stop until they had what they wanted.

I went to the best security company around, but what I ended up with was a bodyguard who was as hot and tempting as he was grumpy and annoyingly bossy. Vaughn reluctantly took me on as a client, despite my inability to pay, and put me in his own personal safehouse with a set of rules to follow.

But a few of those rules? Yeah, I broke them just because I knew it would provoke him. What I didn’t anticipate was the kind of punishment he decided to dole out . . . and it wasn’t long before we went from enemies, to lovers, and an indecent proposal was struck between us.

We both swore it was all temporary, but the closer Vaughn gets to finding out who is after me and why, I realize walking away from this man might be much harder than I’d ever imagined.

Themes:  Erotica

Rating: 3.75 stars

Heat Rating: 


Ok so I have to admit I grabbed this review copy based on the premise (love me a good security specialist) and the author (she often teams up with one of my favs—Carly Phillips), but I truly wasn’t sure what to expect.  Overall the story was HOT AS HELL, but there were a few points where I was a little hesitant to keep going and that might be too much for some readers.  Now don’t get me wrong, the book is very well written (despite some grammar errors that I’m sure will be caught in editing) and the characters were interesting, but a few of the scenes were too much in my opinion.  I can say I will definitely be reading the rest of the series if given a chance, but I’m hoping those types of scenes are limited in the next stories.  Claire is on the run, terrified for her life since her ex-fiancé was killed and she has been stalked and now a sniper has attacked her.  Vaughn was only supposed to be manning the office while his partners were off on other assignments, but when a woman is almost killed by a sniper in the lobby of his security offices there is no way he can back down.  But soon they are entangled in a deadly mystery and while the danger heats up, the passion and pull between them becomes almost unbearable.  Claire doesn’t much like Vaughn, but she is drawn to his dominance and the sexual heat he causes in her leads her to break his rules again and again.  Vaugh can’t seem to resist the sassy rule breaker, determined to force her into line and make her understand that submitting to him would truly be the greatest experience of both their lives.  But the danger is getting closer and unless Vaughn can figure out who is determined to kill Claire and keep her safe, they might never have a chance to move forward in their new intense and passionate relationship. Claire is the type of damsel in distress that usually irks the hell out of me, no lie, but I loved that once we got to know her more there was an obvious strength and intelligence to her that was not obvious in the beginning.  Her resistance to giving in to Vaughn and the way she challenges him at every turn was entertaining and erotic, but they slowly began to feel more than just passion and seeing her accept that was interesting as well. Vaughn is a typical dominant alpha male, one that has finally met a woman that will give him the passionate challenge he needs in life, but at the same time he’s not sure he’s ready to settle down.  I liked watching him as he came to terms with her sassiness and made his plans for corralling her and teaching her to accept her submissiveness.  That said there were a few moments and phrases that hit me wrong or as just a little bit the wrong side of ok, but everyone has their threshold so it probably won’t bother all readers.  I enjoyed the overall story arc, the developing relationship between Claire and Vaughn, and the unexpected moments of sweetness between them, but I would have loved to see some more depth as well if the story had been a little bit longer.  I am looking forward to the next two stories, which I’m assuming with be Vaughn’s two partners as they fall in love, but I will definitely go into them with a bit of caution.  If you are looking for an intensely sensual, crazy story of two people uncovering one another’s secrets as they fall in love, you will enjoy Indecent Proposal.

*eARC provided by author for the purpose of an honest and unbiased review.  No compensation was provided.

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