
Saturday, September 3, 2022

Review: Surrendering to Hunt (Wyoming Wilde #2)

Surrendering to Hunt (Wyoming Wilde #2)

Jennifer Ryan


They're tough, tenacious, and sometimes tormented; they're the Wildes of Wyoming, three brothers whose family ties are as strong as their wills.

The last thing lawman Hunt Wilde ever dreamed he'd do was fall hard for a purple-haired troublemaker like Cyn Wilson. While Hunt believes in law and order, Cyn lives life fast and loose--with fast cars and wild nights. But when Cyn's sister disappears, she surprisingly turns to him for help. Never let it be said that a Wilde man turned down a woman in distress--and on a mission.

It takes a lot for Cyn to swallow her pride and ask Hunt for anything. The man never gives her a break and is always staring at her with those perceptive eyes. But beneath Cyn's tough exterior beats a heart as wide and beautiful as Wyoming itself--and soon she finds herself surrendering to the overpowering attraction simmering between them and partnering with him in the search for her missing sister.

She won't rest until she learns the truth, even if that means putting herself in harm's way. And when Hunt discovers how much danger Cyn is in because of him, he's even more determined to take down the man who would take her out of Hunt's life--forever.

Themes: Contemporary  

Rating:  4.75 stars

Heat Rating: 


Wow all the pain and happiness that can be found in one story of life, love, and loss. Jennifer Ryan never ceases to amaze me as she builds characters that are shattered and then finds a way to put them back together with simply the power of finding and accepting love. This latest installment in the Wilde Wyoming Series is about the eldest brother Hunt Wilde and the woman that has captured his attention—though maybe not in the way he believed—for years.  Cyn Wilson is the town wild woman, with her purple hair, penitent for breaking the law, and willingness to put herself in harm’s way to protect those she loves, and she only seems to enjoy riling Hunt at every turn.  But when Cyn’s sister and niece suddenly go missing and she calls Hunt for help, he jumps right in, protecting her from her abusive brother in law and standing beside her every step of the way on the search.  But as Cyn continuously finds herself in danger, Hunt finds himself in deeper with the sexy woman that has had his attention for so long.  While Cyn’s life is in turmoil they begin to find their way into one another’s arms and hearts.  When the upheaval is concluded, can they build a life on the foundation of their new relationship, or will they walk away from the passionate and sinful love they’ve found together in the most unlikely of circumstances?  I loved Cyn and wish I could have even a quarter of her courage and zest for life (though I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t be quite so reckless).  She lives her life the way she wants, not letting the opinions and gossip of others control her or dictate her decisions.  She loves fiercely and when she opens her heart she fights for those she has let in, even to the point of putting herself in danger over and over.  She’s badass and her mouth sometimes runs away from her, but in the end she refuses to back down and let anyone run over her.  Hunt was a great character, even though I didn’t like him much in the previous story, and we get to see him in all his glory in this novel.  He is dedicated to protecting and serving, not only those he loves, but the community and those he sees as being in need of him. I loved watching him trying to corral Cyn and keep herself without breaking her spirit or trying to stop her from being herself.  He truly understood the heart and soul of the woman that stole his and did everything he could to offer her everything she needed to soar.  He was sweet and so caring in the quiet moments, alpha and intense in their passionate times, and the way he opened himself fully to Cyn was a bit surprising at first but awesome. The first between these two was there from the very beginning even when they were hating each other, but once they admitted and gave into the passion that conflagration could have started a forest fire to burn down the entire state of Wyoming.  I am dying for the next story in this series, cannot wait to see Max get his second chance at love and deal with all his crap, but we met some other Wilde’s in this story and I’m really hoping (fingers crossed) they also get stories! Another masterpiece Jennifer.   

*ebook provided by publisher (via NetGalley) for the purpose of an honest and unbiased review.  No compensation was provided.

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