
Friday, August 1, 2014

Mini-Review: Devil's Bargain

Devil's Bargain

by Christine Warren


Supernatural bounty hunter Lilli Corbin made a pact with the Prince of Hell: She agreed to recover a book of prophecies. When she learns it could trigger the apocalypse, Lilli is forced to make the ultimate choice: save her soul, or the man she loves?
Themes: paranormal, demons, magick
Rating: 2.5 stars
Heat Rating: 
While I am a big fan of Christine Warren’s writing, I was a bit disappointed with Devil’s Bargain.  When they say this is a novella they are definitely not lying, I might even call this more of a short story to be honest.  There was an interesting overall storyline, some heat between the characters, and the potential to be a kick ass story, but the length was a huge drawback because nothing ever had time to be fleshed out.  The premise of the backstory on the characters and their world could be the beginning of a great series and I hope that might be something coming down the line soon. If you’re looking for a short read, perhaps between other full-length stories, and want something dramatic and a bit dark, this is a great choice.
Lilli and Aaron were interesting characters with an immediate attraction that neither could deny.  When Lilli is interrupted on her task from the devil by Aaron, the battle that ensues is passionate and ultimately leads to some interesting moments.  Aaron is a super smart and sexy guy, obviously able to hold his own physically, intellectually, and magically.  I wished I could have learned more about him and had a chance to get to know him better.  Lilli too had her draws.  She is part of a law-enforcement agency division that hunts supernatural beings that regular humans cannot, but really that is about all you learn about her.  Of course she is beautiful and passionate, determined to get herself free of her bargain, and find a way to keep others safe from the things that go bump in the night.  
I enjoyed very much the quick wit, passionate attraction, and intense emotions that developed between the characters, even if it was a bit of a stretch since the entire book takes place in like 3 hours.  The overall premise of Lilli’s job and Aaron’s magical legacy would be a great way to branch into a new series I would definitely run out to read.  Lilli was a kick-butt babe, but had enough of a soft side and strong mind to round her out nicely.  Aaron was the perfect package, sexy as hell, built, strong, magical, and uber-smart too, so really I have nothing bad to say about him!  When the drama with the devil unfolds and Lilli makes her choice the story wraps up quickly, but maybe someday we’ll see them in a future book and get to see more about their HEA.  For a short read, Devil’s Bargain packs a huge punch and will keep you on the edge of your seat for an hour or so.  Another great Warren story!
*eARC provided by publisher (via netgalley) for the purpose of an honest and unbiased review.  No compensation was provided. 

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