
Sunday, December 29, 2013

ARC Review: The Fireside Inn

The Fireside Inn (The Billionaire Bachelors #1)



They’re single, they’re rich, and now these billionaire bachelors are heading to Sanctuary Island in a new e-original novella series from Lily Everett! Fall in love with the island’s latest catch.
Leo, Zane, and Cooper made a pact to stay bachelors and enjoy the single life forever, and when they receive an invitation to their friend Miles’ wedding, they head down to Sanctuary Island determined to talk some sense into the errant groom before he makes a life-changing mistake. But Miles knows his own mind, and he makes a vow of his own: before he walks down the aisle, he’ll have Leo, Zane, and Cooper changing their tune about matrimony. Because Miles knows, better than anyone, that all it takes is a little Sanctuary Island magic to turn romantic cynics into true believers.
The Honorable Lord Leo Strathairn inherited his family’s money, his title, and his position in London society. When he meets Sanctuary Island’s funky young librarian, Serena Lightfoot, he’s determined to get a lot closer. Despite the simmering attraction between them, Serena isn’t at all interested in putting up with a pampered playboy. But as Leo ramps up his seduction attempts, Serena sees that he’s nothing like the empty-headed aristocrat she’d assumed.


The first in a new trilogy of novellas surrounding the lives and loves of the people of a small island town off the coast of Virginia sets off the series with a bang.  While I have read the first book in the previous trilogy of novellas and the full length novel in the series, I missed the other two in the original series, so I feel a bit like I missed out of the romance that led to the wedding in this story, but the story itself was great. Based around Miles’s belief in the love that can be found on Sanctuary Island, the Billionaire Bachelors series revolves around his three best friends, friends he wants to find the happiness and contentment he has found being in love. 
Leo is in a bit of a fix; his duty as a groomsman is to present a reading about love at the wedding of one of his best friends, Miles, but he needs help to accomplish his task.  In walks Serena, the local librarian on Sanctuary Island, and a woman with such a draw for Leo that he can’t resist using everything at his disposal to get her help.  While they are going through all the works of love and devotion, the bond between them develops quickly and they find themselves sinking deeper and deeper into an emotional quicksand that neither can pull back from.  When a sad truth comes out and a betrayal drives a wedge between them, the fight for their love will be one that neither can lose if they want to find their HEA.
The passion between Leo and Serena was immediately apparent and seeing them fall in love was a fun experience.  Though there was a sad truth uncovered during their relationship, one that could have broken their love if they’d allowed it, it was obvious that they belonged together.  Leo was a character that doesn’t understand his own worth; he has moved through life, surviving only on his charm and charisma, but never really allowing anyone to see his true self or inner secrets.  Serena on the other hand has strived to live her life in complete honesty, knowing firsthand the damage that can be caused when lies come between people. She is determined to embrace her arrangement with Leo wholeheartedly, but though she never intends to, she quickly falls for him.  When she finally sees the truth in him and he shows her the beauty of his love and his soul, what woman could resist having him as her man? Certainly not Serena!
Overall this was a great short read, with lots of angst, emotional roller coasters, and true depth of caring.  As a beginning to a new trilogy, I can see just how much I will love the next two stories.  The trend has begun and knowing that each of these billionaires will fall to their hearts is exciting for me.  Serena and Leo are perfectly matched and when they get past their fears and hang-ups the relationship they can build will be strong and lasting. Getting to see the bond between the men was always intriguing; reminding that sometimes families can be built from the strangest relationships. Can’t wait to find out more about Cooper and Zane and see them fall under the spell of Sanctuary Island.

(BTW where can I find this island because seriously, six sexy billionaires in one small place? I wanna move there! :P )

Rating: 3.75 stars

Rose Rating: 

*eARC provided by publisher (via netgalley) for the purpose of an honest and unbiased review.  No compensation was provided. 

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