
Sunday, November 3, 2013

ARC Mini-Review: Midnight's Surrender

Midnight's Surrender (Dark Warriors #8.5)

by Donna Grant


Dale has been on the run - on the run from himself and the demons that haunt him.  However, when he comes across a stunningly beautiful woman he cannot resist, he knows that he must do whatever it takes to possess her. She is a Druid with secrets of her own, but he is drawn to her like no other.  Even when danger closes in around them, Dale knows that the true threat is to his very soul, which he will sacrifice in order to save her.


Midnight’s Surrender is the perfect ending to a series that has taken you through time, space, emotional turmoil, and the discovery of all different types of defenders of the human race. While the official ending of the series was the previous full length novel, Dale’s story gives a final chance for a character that left us wondering to find himself and his own HEA.  The story, though short was full of passion, emotion and the magical connection inherent in any Grant novel, especially the Dark Sword/Warriors series.  Though I doubt we’ll see anymore from this character I feel happy to know that he finally found his place in the world and won’t be left out in the cold after the hell he was put through.  Thanks for tying up this loose end in the best way possible Donna, couldn’t have given the series a better postscript if I'd tried (or been brave enough to attempt to try anyway).
Dale has been on the run since the battle that almost killed him at the end of Midnight’s Captive, and he has been led to a fate he never imagined by the magic of a druid that he’s destined to be with.  He has traveled across Scotland to the small island of Coll and when he finds the source of the tempting magic, he finds himself unable to turn back, though he feels he isn't worthy of embracing the pure light and love that the magic exudes. When Rennie wakes up on her couch with no memory of how she got there and comes face to face with her rescuer, she is instantly attracted to him as no other has ever attracted her before.  She has kept herself apart from others for so long because of her magic, but being around Dale just feels right.  As they learn more about each other and their feelings blossom, a dark danger lurks in the shadows determined to kill Rennie and take her magic for their own.  Working together to unlock the true strength of Rennie's magic is the only way they can win, but will that be enough to save Dale and give them a future?
I was blown away when I found out about this story coming so close on the heels of the series finale, Midnight’s Promise, but I knew as soon as I read the hero’s name that I just had to read it.  Dale is one of those characters that you always thought you understood until he would surprise you.   He was a bad guy with a sweet side who you really wanted to be able to like, but knew that he was fighting on the wrong side.  Without the influence of Jason Wallace leading him continuously down the wrong path, Dale is finally able to show us the man he really is.  A Warrior and protector in every sense of the word.  Seeing him fall in love with Rennie and bring out her confidence in herself and her magic was a great conclusion to the entire series.   If you’ve never read the series you might be a bit confused, but I look at this story as a gift from Donna to all her loyal readers, showing us that even the most misunderstood of her characters can find their happiness and the love of their lives as long as they make the right decisions and travel the often more difficult path of righteousness.
Traveling through time, watching defeats and victories with our heroes, and of course watching each Warrior find his mate makes the series one of the best I have ever enjoyed.  And though I know the series is technically ended, I have a feeling we will be seeing more of them in the continuing Dark King Series. 

Rating: 3.5 stars

Rose Rating: 

*eARC provided by publisher (via netgalley) for the purpose of an honest and unbiased review.  No compensation was provided. 

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