
Saturday, September 14, 2013

ARC Mini-Review: Dragon Rising

Dragon Rising (The Hidden 0.6)

by Jaime Rush 


Clues left by her missing father lead Lyra to a gorgeous, mysterious Caido, a descendent of fallen angels. When she discovers that his brother is also missing, she's determined not to let the exasperating man shut her out.
The last thing Archer needs is an emotional Dragon at his side, especially one whose heat reaches beyond the icy walls he, and all Caidos, must erect for good reason. Working together? Smart. Falling in love? Foolish…and inescapable.


Dragon Rising is the second short introductory novella setting up the new series by Jaime Rush.  The first novella introduced us to this strange world that coexists along with ours, primarily in south Florida and the island off its coast where these magical entities makes their homes. As always Rush builds her characters and introduces us to the magic of her world a bit at a time.  We met the heroine in the previous story where her brother rediscovers his love during a quest to find their missing fathers. Unusually, Lyra’s story takes place simultaneously as her brother's and the ending for Dragon Rising wraps up the short story arc that the novellas shared.
Lyra is working to find her missing father and suspects there might have been more to his disappearance than everyone suspects.  Suspicion of his having an affair with another man’s mate and them running away together has made Lyra paranoid about finding out the truth before it’s too late. In an effort to solve the mystery, she enlists the help of a mysterious Caido named Archer, whose brother is also missing. The minute they are together both of them are faced with the intense attraction that unexpectedly flairs between them, but that attraction causes danger around every corner. Archer has issues on top of issues especially with his desire for Lyra, a desire he cannot act on.  When their investigation drags them into danger and both their lives are at risk the passion between them leads to a love that neither of them can deny and a destiny that they were meant to share.
Though a very short story, Dragon Rising is a good introductory novella to the new series.  The continued story arc of the two novellas that are prequels to what I think will be a great series leave me with an intense desire to get this story really started.  It’s masterfully written and full of twists and turns. Lyra and Archer’s story is passionate and though the hurdles they face are big ones, knowing that they are both strong enough to work together and overcome them leaves you with no doubt that they will have a long and happy life together.  I would have loved for Lyra and Archer to have a full length story, but all-in-all it is a great story.  I’m really looking forward to what’s next in the Hidden series and can’t wait to learn more about this magical world.

For info about the first novella in this story arc see my blog at: Dragon Mine

Rating: 3.25 stars

Rose Rating:  

*eARC provided by publisher (via netgalley) for the purpose of an honest and unbiased review.  No compensation was provided. 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the lovely and well-thought out review, Michelle! And I confess that after I'd written Lyra and Archer, I wanted them to have a full-length story too! I really pulled my hair out trying to figure out how to extract them and replace them, and it just wouldn't work. ::SIGH:: But wait until you meet Ruby and Cyn...
