
Saturday, May 25, 2013

ARC Review: It Had To Be You

It Had to Be You (Lucky Harbor #7)

by Jill Shalvis 


 Ali Winters is not having a good day. Her boyfriend left her, everyone in town thinks she's a thief, and now she's about to be kicked out of her home. Her only shot at keeping a roof over her head and clearing her name is to beg for help from a police detective who's as sexy as he is stern.... 

After a high-profile case goes wrong, Luke Hanover returns to his hometown for some peace and quiet. Instead he finds a bombshell brunette in a heap of trouble. As he helps Ali put her world back together, the pieces of Luke's own life finally seem to fall into place. Is this the start of a sizzling fling? Or are Luke and Ali on the brink of something big in a little town called Lucky Harbor?


Once again Jill Shalvis takes us on a crazy ride through the small Washington Town of Lucky Harbor. I have loved this series since the very beginning and was THRILLED to find out that it wasn’t ending with the last story.  The Return to Lucky Harbor in It Had to Be You is nothing short of magic.  Full of the intrigue, humor, and emotion I expect from any Shalvis novel and with some seriously fun little twists along the way.  I think if you’ve missed the others in the series it’s never too late to start and you should grab this one right away.
Ali Winters is facing a dilemma and her day goes from bad to worse.  With her life falling down around her she has to find her inner strength and pick herself back up, but just as she’s formulating a plan her life is turned upside down again.  This time by the sexy man waltzing into her house while she’s running around mostly naked.  Luke has finally decided he’s ready for a break from his life.  His professional life is taking hit after hit and his personal life is well…non-existent. When he finds a sexy half naked woman in his kitchen he’s not really sure if things are looking up or continuing to fall around him.   Letting her hang around until she can get her feet under her seems the least he can do since he is kicking her out, but having her around complicates everything.  And when she sinks deeper into the quicksand she ends up pulling him in with her sweetness, light, and sensuality.
Ali Winters is a great character to me.  She’s faced with her world falling apart around her, but never once gives up and keeps her positivity no matter what is thrown at her. She sees Luke and though is instantly attracted to him she knows that he’s not for her.  When Luke decides to offer his help and expertise she is reluctant to depend on him, on anyone really, because she’s been the touchstone all her life, with her mother and sister always depending on her.   
Luke on the other hand is fighting his need for Ali from the beginning.  Though she touches something he thought long dead in him, his heart, he can’t bring himself to offer himself completely.  The strings that a woman like Ali would come with are too much for him at the moment.  As they work together to try to uncover the thief in their midst, Luke finds himself unable to resist her in any way, though he knows he will ultimately end up hurting her and he fears that more than anything.  Only when she runs from him does the true depth of his feelings come to light, giving him the chance to run.  But will he run toward or away from the one woman that can capture and hold his heart.
Our return to Lucky Harbor thankfully allowed us to see and reminisce with some of our favorite characters from previous novels in the series.  Tara and Ford are as cute as ever, and Chloe’s sexy Sawyer is still a favorite lawman for me.  And of course, who can neglect to mention the return of the old timers of Lucky Harbor.  Full of spunk and vitality it is hilarious to see these old timers enjoying their golden years, kinda reminds me of my own grandparents.
If you’re looking for something heavy and dark, you’re looking in the wrong place, but if you want a light and emotionally uplifting love story then you've found your destination.  Jill Shalvis’s books never fail to keeping me laughing and sighing with the sweetness and love.  Ali and Luke are a great mix, completing each other in every way.  The passion they share is evident each moment and the draw between them is like two magnets formed to come together perfectly.   Their weaknesses are the other’s strength and once they finally learn to trust in each other and they see how well they complement we know immediately that they will find a way to be together no matter what.  Now we've gotten another glimpse into this world I cannot wait for what’s next.  And can I just say getting to see a slightly kinkier than expected underbelly to this picturesque little town was AWESOME!

Rating:  4.5 stars

Rose Rating:

*eARC provided by publisher (via netgalley) for the purpose of an honest and unbiased review.  No compensation was provided. 

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